Sheehan has three novels, two in print, "Vigilantes East"
(2002) and "Death for the Phantom Receiver," (2003) from
Publish America, and one serialized on 3am Magazine, "An Accountable
Death." His fourth poetry book was issued June 2003, "This
Rare Earth and Other Flights," from Lit Pot Press. "A
Collection of Friends," memoirs, will be issued in fall 2004
by Pocol Press. He has four Pushcart nominations, and a Silver Rose
Award from ART for short story excellence. He has had work on or
coming on Snow Monkey, Eclectica, Retort Magazine, Slow Trains,
Three Candles, Eleven Bulls, A Man Overboard, Cold Glass, The God
Particle, Life Sherpa, The Square Table, Just Good Company, North
Dakota Quarterly, Small Spiral Notebook, Fiction Warehouse, Nuvein,
The Paumanok Review, etc.
Copyright © 2004 Tom Sheehan. ALL