Poetry Editor: Joan McCormick
1 ) What was the first poem you remember reading and how old were
you? How did the poem affect you?
Joan: This question is easy, I was at school about
seven years old, the poem was about a host of silly Daffodils that
the teacher read to us and I never understood a thing. Or got it
that poetry could be as challenging as math, I loved doing the sums
2) When did you take an interest in writing poetry?
Joan: As an adult in my fifties when I had more
time for myself I picked up an old book in a secondhand bookstore,
out of boredom and the need of having something to read that was
not all-consuming —and I was hooked
3) What do you like/love about poetry?
Joan: The fact you can say so much in so many
ways without the use of a lot of words, I was always one to be short
to the point, I detest waffling
4) Is there a particular kind of poetry that you like?
Joan: As long as I can sense the poet in the background
I can dive into most styles, the bottom line is it must hit me in
the face, not let me stop to pick at flaws (as I see them) I delight
in sonnets, revel with rhyme
Can lose myself in prose and unpeel bad free verse from my nose
for even the very worse of it can still make me laugh, mostly in
empathy, as I'm not sure when I'll ever be what I want from others-
5) What kind of poetry turns you off?
Joan: In your face sexually explicit porn, calling
a spade a spade is not poetry. Calling said spade a little earth
mover is—
6) You have a great sense of humor. Do you like to see humor in
poetry and do you know a poem that executes humor well?
Joan: Yes, and yes it is called—Pete the
piddling Pup—author unknown
7) What poems of yours are your favorite and can you provide me
with some of them?
Joan: Every one of them has been in my favor for
a week, after that I tend to think of them as ugly birthlings and
send them off on a long holiday
But I suppose I will always hold dear the very first poem I ever
wrote because I intended to write a letter to my niece who was being
self destructive. Yes I could provide it, but I take no responsibility
if you have a seizure and your readers turn blue
8) Whom do you admire and why? (It doesn't have to be a poet, writer,
celebrity, or anyone well known).
Joan: Ah! Billy Connolly a totally honest , down
to earth man. This is the kind of man who should be President of
the United States, the UK and Australia. He could wage a war, and
have half the world's population die laughing. And I would lay odds
he would lead the army hair flying naked as the day he was born
except for his willy armor, into battle
But I have two-Bette Midler, the other end of the spectrum but
could be his twin in a Scottish mind meld. Two very real people
{Scottish mind meld } some call a few wee drams
9) Why do you love poetry so much? What draws you to poetry over
other forms of art?
Joan: I don't know that it does, I want it all,
one day I will paint my perfect painting,
I will snap a photo and know I have perfection in black and white
I will write a best seller that outsells the bible—sorry!
I got carried away. But that is what I try to do with words. I want
to paint an image, put it in black and white with all ten hues of
gray, and tell the account in as few meaningful words as I can—I'm
sure this is what all poets strive for mainly because paint is messy,
and a book takes years
Poets get the fast hit and crit—in fact I find poets stronger
willed, because they get the hard criticism more often. Just imagine
working for three years on a book before getting a hard slap! *shudder*
10) If you could go back in time and save one person who died,
wrong time and place, who do you think might have made a difference
if they had lived and what do you think would be changed? (This
question I stole from Joan).
Joan: Goodness me, who thought this one up?
There is only one who could have been saved that would make the
biggest difference according to legend, his name was Abel. Ironic,
for he was unable in the end to make a difference. But if he had
never been murdered who is to say the next day he would not have
killed his brother?
We all are formed from the same slime and so are all able with
the right circumstances to kill and be killed. I know I could as
a mother taken that last step to protect my young —
But truly I don't think any one person can die before their time,
I feel it is all ordained that we can't live on one second past
our due time or go before it
The only thing we can change is how we adapt to what we are allotted
in the scheme of things, how we choose to deal with our misfortunes
and our graces
11) What do you like about being an editor?
Joan: Well so far it's been a blast all the way,
I get to read the best that people have to offer and know that they
have put their all into that piece of work. But I know I have been
under worked by you, and will be thrown in the deep end before long
without my floaters to keep me up, lucky for me I can walk on water—
as long as it is one inch deep
And Mia , I'd like to publicly thank you for giving me this opportunity
- now, about that company car?
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