Artist Statement My work is about layered perception. More specifically it is about the space between the layers, the unbreachable distance between one thing and another. It is about the indefinable gap that separates one person from another, an orange from a chair, a chair from a window. The process of merging, or overlaying layer upon layer is an evolutionary event, as the process of deciphering, or deconstructing is an archeological procedure. My images are multiple layers of multiple images recording and merging into a representational journal marking distance, absence, and presence. These images are journaled in the sense that the objects are 3D modeled after personal items in my home and immediate environment. These objects are then textured using my own digital photographs - painters palettes, kitchen floors, found rust, an unexplainable set of clouds, the underside of an old wooden box. The resulting images are an amalgam of private and personal visual reminiscences, part real, part illusion, part digital render, part photograph. The glue that holds the images together is the light, the presence, or absence of, the chiaroscuro dance, the crepuscular hour between dog and wolf, the darkness holds the mystery, the light holds the truth. Artist's Information
RECENT GROUP SHOWS February 2005 ViSual POetry* Exhibition January 2003 Art Against War Show - featured at the World Social Forum
in Mumbai(formerly Bombay), India in the Grand Atrium of the Majlis Cultural