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JOANNA M. WESTON M.A. Has had poetry, reviews, and short stories published in anthologies and journals for twenty years. Has two middle-readers, 'The Willow Tree Girl' and 'Those Blue Shoes', in print; also 'A Summer Father', poetry, published by Frontenac House of Calgary.


the ghost-child
moves bones
from one room
to another
in an endless
search for ancestry
while I seek
her future


the children are buried
under lime trees
on the riverbank

their voices call to me
quiet as rippling water -
I kneel to listen

we talk of skipping rope
and nursery rhymes

stories they whisper
of a friend who ran fast
another who leapt high

away from the night-time
guns that made gouts of fire
through flesh

Copyright © 2007 Joanna M. Weston