Robert & Shana ParkeHarrisons' collaborative photographs explore universal themes of man's relationship with nature, technology and most interestingly himself. Drawing from the couples' training in painting, dance, photography and theatre this inventive and highly respected work brings a dreamlike focus to the curious and often laughable condition of man. The ParkeHarrisons construct fantasies in the guise of environmental performances for the protaganist of their images – a man dressed in a black suit and starched white shirt – who interacts with the landscape. Tapping into their surreal imaginations, the artists combine elaborate sets within vast landscapes to address issues surrounding man's relationship to the earth while additionally delving into the human condition. As Robert ParkeHarrison said regarding the work "We want to make images that have open, narrative qualities, images containing ideas about human limits. These mythic images mirror our world, where nature is domesticated, controlled, and destroyed." Their works are included in numerous collections including Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Art Institute of Chicago and the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House. copyright © 2006 robert & shana parkeharrison |