am a part time free lance journalist, EFL teacher, struggling creative writer,
world traveler, and would be actress. Residing currently in London, Ontario
though I have also lived in London, England, Paris, and India and call Toronto
home. At present I am trying to write a novel called "My Villa in Tuscany"
which is a great deal more fantasy than reality. I have written three children’s
books which I am also trying get published and when I am not struggling
to get published or finish my masterpieces I like to take pictures, read,
go to a movie or visit with friends. Or if the opportunity arises -travel!
The cure for all that ails you!
Homage to Bonnard
Yes, I would have images of gardens,
of tables
set in gardens,
I would have images of
light and windows,
let the muse be glad and joyous
let the eye fix on the
and create joy
and abundance and gaiety
Homage to Roderigo
And yet the bittersweet is beautiful
the yearning and the
the untold grief
the dark thread
amid the gold
the shadow over the sunlit path
the exquisite shadow
Homage to Bocelli
Voice filled with gentleness
and kindness
yet power
that suffers long
and is not of sounding brass
but of the shadow of the rose
of the hovering dove
*Editor's Note: Originally, this poem was in quartets, but Ms Bamford allowed me to choose the parts that I felt were the strongest; hence, the three sections that are presented here.